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"As anybody who knows me personally would tell you, I am the walking definition of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I always have been and probably always will be... This curse for me means that when I "get into" something, I can't just casually enjoy it. I become obsessed with every aspect of it..."Let's start from the very beginning. Mike Portnoy was born on April 20, 1967 and raised in Long Beach, New York, where his interest in music started at an early age.
"My father was a rock n' roll disc jockey, so I was always surrounded by music constantly. I had this huge record collection when I was real young and loved the Beatles and then later on Kiss. It was inevitable that I'd become a musician."Although Mike taught himself how to play the drums, he did take music theory classes in high school. During that time he began playing in local bands Intruder, Rising Power and Inner Sanctum, the latter of which released their own album. Mike left the band after being awarded a scholarship to attend Berklee Music College in Boston.
This is The Official Mike Portnoy Fan Page - MP himself keeps it up to date with info and content. However, the posts are yours...please be polite & respectful of each other or you will be blocked
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