In 2014, Pete Lockett and Russ Miller joined forces on a musical journey resulting in the album 'Rhythm-Sphere'. Special quest on the album is Rajhesh Vaidhya, a Veena player from India, playing his instrument in the most modern ways. The album is a unique blend of Indian rhythms combined with western grooves that take you light years further in music. The duo already performed their set live at the 2014 Beijing Drum Summit in China. We hooked up with Pete Lockett at the London Drum Show to talk about this very special project, his Honorary Professor at Shanghai Conservatory of Music, and Pete reflects on the immense new role that China will have in music the coming years.
This album is truly a result of worlds put together, not really knowing where it all would lead to. The talents and musical languages of the three musicians surprise and match in every song, every solo, and the way they 'talk' together, even when recording separately. Pete Lockett gives great insights on how the recording processes went down, and how a collaboration like this results in ten tracks of almost supernatural music never heard before.
The videos Below we added a tracking session from Russ Miller during the recordings for 'Rhythm-Sphere'. The three interview videos feature Pete Lockett elaborating on:
the idea and process of 'Rhythm-Sphere'
the writing process
performing 'Rhythm-Sphere' at the Beijing Drum Summit, and the huge growth that China is going through in music
Only $9,99 'Rhythm-Sphere' is available at many online locations. It only costs $9,99, and for that you get a lot of virtuosity! You can buy the album on cd or as download on: