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"Whether it was learning how to perform live, how to live within the fucking confines of a Dodge Ram or learning how to fucking score chicks, I learned everything. I'd dropped out of high school, but I always knew I'd be OK. You don't need much to get by. It seemed so simple. I learned how to play the drums without a drum set. I didn't have a car until I was in Nirvana. Cigarettes were cheap, and Taco Bell was everywhere."Then came Nirvana. Kurt Cobain, lead guitarist, songwriter, and singer, and Krist Novoselic, bass player, saw Grohl drumming for Scream and were so blown away that they asked him to join the band in 1990. Grohl replaced Mudhoney drummer Dan Peters, who had tomporarily filled in.
"[Queens of the Stone Age have] got a new-wavey Devo stiffness with tuned-down metal riffs and heavy grooves, and I was a huge fan. They're hilarious and so fun, and they're amazing players. They've got a cool thing about their band where it's really just Josh and Nick and then there's this revolving cast of people from bunches of different bands. So [when their last drummer left], they asked me to play drums on their new record, and I said, 'Sure.' I think it's the best rock record I've heard in like 10 years. It's nuts."On 10 February 2004 Grohl released a debut album under the name Probot, featuring many famous metal artists on vocals.
the best rock drummer, guitarist, singer to ever grace this planet.
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