Fundamental Drum Tutorials with Russ Miller
Don't miss the free drum lessons with Russ Miller we are publishing on Drummerszone as well. You can study the lessons in Russ his Fundamental Drum Tutorials video channel, or watch them in this article and learn much more about Russ Miller.
"The business hasn't really changed, the business plan has changed."
- Russ Miller
The Fundamental Drum Tutorials with Russ Miller
Free drum lessons with Russ Miller here on Drummerszone.
Exactly on topic, the first drum lesson is called: Playing the Perfect Mix
Ludwig and Ludwig Top Hat and Cane
Russ says in the video his Top Hat and Cane-snare is from 1948. A few sources ( & tell us that this snare and the drum kits were built around 1941 and have an interesting history.
As the absolute top of the line drum set at the time, due to the extremely limited supply of materials during early World War II, only a very small number of these 'Top Hat and Cane' sets were made in 1941 and discontinued in 1942. The Top Hat model was never offered in any Ludwig catalog. However, a small number of the sets have appeared that were date stamped 1946. [source:]
The drums that were offered later got the timestamps of that same year. So, Russ does have a 1948, but it was probably made in 1941 or 1942. Which is actually good, because in 7 years wood used for drums can get a completely different character. And with Ludwig we know that most of their drums age very well.
The complete and very rare 'Ludwig and Ludwig Top Hat and Cane' drum sets nowadays range in price from €14,000 up to $30,0000. Imagine what Russ his very rare snare drum is worth now!
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