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"Sometimes I would be woken up at 2 o'clock in the morning to come down and play that scaled-down kit. The audiences ranged from family mends to the biggest names in rock of that period. Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, members of YES, Bad Company, and Emerson, Lake & Palmer would often drop by our house after shows in the area and a major party would follow. After being woken up for a few of these nocturnal performances, I was able to negotiate my first fee, a much needed day off school."
The official page of Jason Bonham, son of legendary Led Zeppelin drummer, John Bonham. Bands: Sammy Hagar & The Circle, JBLZE, Black Country Communion
http://jasonbonham.net© Drummerszone.com 2002-2025 Drummerszone.com is a Musicpublishers.nl website.
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