Happy birthday Dr. Steve Gadd! Let's celebrate with this video interview and live footage: tinydz.com/n8398 @DrSteveGadd
The Mike Johnston video interview: 10 videos with pure and personal drum lessons: tinydz.com/n12649 @mikeslessons @meinlcymbals
The legendary Russ Miller shows you all his gear here: tinydz.com/n12708 With: @MapexDrumsUSA @remopercussion and @ZildjianCompany
Watch The Simon Phillips 'Warm-up' videos here: tinydz.com/n12761 Lets go insane on rudiments!
12 videos of Tama's 40th Anniversary Event: Mike Portnoy, Simon Phillips, Matthew Garstka, George McCurdy and more tinydz.com/n12616
Watch Aron Mellergårdh's artist page with Dirty Loops videos: tinydz.com/a14777 Their album LOOPIFIED is out soon!
Watch the first videos of the Sonor Days 2014 - with Chris Coleman and RhythmTalk on: tinydz.com/n12791 @_CrC_ @sonor_drums
A Zildjian Swish and Paper Thin cymbal history: The Avedis Zildjian patents from 1938 and 1948 tinydz.com/n12765 @ZildjianCompany
Watch, and be stunned by 'Video fragments of Chris Dave' - 8 videos of extreme musicality: tinydz.com/n12549
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