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"I was 11 when I first started playing in Junior High beginning band. Then I went on to marching band in High School. That's right, I was a band geek. Went to band camp and everything. Our Drumline was bad ass, winning city wide competitions with the marching band."There's too many to list as early influences. A few would be drummers like John Bonham, Terry Bozzio, Dennis Chambers, Vinnie Colaiuta, Steve Smith, Lenny White, Billy Cobham, Buddy Rich.
"Always keep an open mind. Expose yourself to as many musical situations as possible and don't limit yourself to being just a "rock" drummer or "funk" drummer. Try to do it all. Also, know when and when not to play. The spaces in between the notes are just as important as the notes themselves. Practice keeping good time with a metronome and always play from the heart.Other interesting facts about Glen Sobel:
Official FB page of Glen! Currently on tour w/ Alice Cooper.
www.glensobel.com© Drummerszone.com 2002-2025 Drummerszone.com is a Musicpublishers.nl website.
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