"I started the summer of my 12th year. The Christmas before that, I became a diabetic, and I think my parents were thinking, 'Wow, poor Mark. He's going to have a plagued life; let's find something for him’. So they bought me a set of drums. My dad brought 'em home, set 'em up backwards. My mother has since told me that she knew that very night that drums would be what I would be doing with my life. She's a very intuitive, fabulous woman.After high school, he went, like so many counterparts from across the Atlantic, to Art School, before becoming a professional musician.
From then, I was in this cute band, and all the parents were into it and they'd help us out. But pretty soon they were going, 'Hmmmm; this isn't so cute any more.' And each parent would gradually fall away until it was basically my parents who were still there. And I know that a big part of the success that I've had is just from their support.
I went on in local hippie bands, and into fusion bands, and with different bands in different cities, Kansas City, Denver, all kinds of places. I always believed in leaving a band if it wasn't happening. I didn't believe in sticking it out 'til the bitter end, 'til we all really hated each other. So I would just pack my truck up, get my dog, and split; and they'd all be wagging their fingers after me."
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