Fun facts
- Craig talks about a CR-78 Phil Collins sample in the video. That is the actual sound Phil Collins used on In the Air Tonight, his debut solo single from his first solo album 'Face Value' (1981).
- The Roland CompuRhythm CR-78 is a drum machine launched in 1978.
- The CR-78's key feature at the time was that it offered 34 preset rhythms and four(!) programmable memory locations for storing rhythms.
- Claudio Passavanti, an Italian piano player and producer gives a great demo of the CR-78 on YouTube.
- Claudio Passavanti is also known as Doctor Mix and Sunlight Square.
- He recorded his first Sunlight Square-album 'Urban Session' (2006) with Steve Gadd and Italian drummers Massimo Cusato and Cristiano Micalizzi.
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