Door voortdurend met produktinnovatie bezig te zijn, komt Pearl in 1972 met fiberglas en houten/fiberglas trommels. Van een fabriek in 1973 groeit Pearls prduktie uit tot vijf fabrieken. In 1978 komt Pearl met de Vari-Pitch Cannons die zijn ontwikkeld door Randy May. Een jaar later, in 1979, wordt het Syncussion electronisch drumsystem geintroduceerd.
In de jaren tachtig en negentig blijft Pearl succesvol aan de top staan. Wereldwijd is de Pearl Export-serie het meest verkochte drumstel.
April 2, 1946. Katsumi Yanagisawa starts manufacturing music stands in Sumida, Tokyo, Japan. By 1949 Katsumi's music stand business grows steadily fueled by growing music education in the schools and by the popularity of jazz music. Although there's demand, domestically produced percussion instruments are practically non existent. Realizing this need, Katsumi starts building drums in 1950. Just a few bass drums, snare drums, and stands. He names his company "Pearl Industry, Ltd."
By 1953 Katsumi's company is called "Pearl Musical Instrument Company". It expands manufacturing to drum sets, marching drums, timpani, Latin percussion instruments, cymbals, stands, and accessories. In 1957 Katsumi's eldest son, Mitsuo, joins Pearl. Seeing the sales potential of markets outside Japan, he forms an export division and starts exporting products through agents and trading companies.
In 1961 Pearl builds a 15,000 sq. foot factory in Chiba, Japan to fill the worldwide demand for drum sets spurred by the popularity of Rock and Roll. These sets are inexpensive and bares the brand name of the distributor; such as Maxwin, CB-700, Crest, Revelle, Revere, Lyra, Majestic, Whitehall, Apollo, Toreador, Roxy, Coronet, and others...over 30 brands in all.
Mitsuo formulates a long-range plan to bring Pearl to the forefront of the percussion industry in 1965. Under his plan, Pearl would:
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