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"I remember being crazed and running around the basement, singing along with Elvis and what ever else came blasting out of my Mom and Dad's jukebox."After hearing KISS Alive 1 at a relative's place, he begged his parents to take him to the KISS concert in 1977 (Love Gun Tour).
"That concert changed my life. It had so much impact on me, from that point on I knew what I was going to do in life."Shane began playing guitar at age nine and picked up the drums a year later.
"I spent countless hours practicing along to records by AC/DC, Zeppelin, Sabbath and VanHalen. My parents were very supportive, they bought me an old acoustic guitar and then a Maxwin drum set. I would be in the basement cranking my Peavey Decade and pounding my drums as hard as I could, and they would just put up with it. My friend Dan Dittrick would come over and we would jam through a PA, open up all the windows, so the 4000 residents of Innisfail could all hear us."Upon graduating high school, Shane began touring professionally with a Top 40 group. In 1987 Shane studied jazz, percussion and piano at Grant MacEwan Music College in Edmonton Alberta. For the next three years, Shane toured with Canadian circuit bands. Throughout 1991 he recorded and toured with guitarist/producer Paul Dean in a band called The Heat.
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