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Hey there! I'm Aaron Edgar and I'm just really, REALLY into hitting things.
I proudly endorse :
Sonor Drums - http://www.Sonor.com
Sabian Cymbals - http://www.Sabian.com
Evans Drumheads - http://www.EvansDrumheads.com
Puresound Snare Wires - http://www.PuresoundPercussion.com
Vater Drumsticks - http://www.Vater.com
Protection Racket Cases - http://www.ProtectionRacket.co.uk
Roland Electronics - http://www.Roland.com
Porter and Davies - http://www.PorterAndDavies.co.uk
Kelly SHU - http://www.KellyShu.com
Cympad - http://www.Cympad.com
Sweet Spot Clutches - http://www.SweetSpotClutches.com
Drum Dots - http://www.DrumDot.com
Snare Weight - http://www.SnareWeight.com
S-Hoops - http://www.bigbangdist.com/shoop.htm
Pearl (Pedals) - http://www.PearlDrum.com
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