Maikel van der Meer plays drums in Ricocher. In his own words:
As a 12 year old boy I joined the local drumband in Bakel, the village where I live. My musical career went with ups and downs, but when we got a new instructor in lead of the drumband, I became very enthousiastic. I joined our schoolband Frontline as the drummer (Frontline included John and our former guitar-player Kimmo Zeegers) and at this school I choose music as an object before my final exam.
With the bands, everything was going well. The schoolband stopped, but with Erwin and Niels and a couple of other people we went on in "Black Ebony". When "blind Furie" split up, we kidnapped half of them (John en Kimmo) and Truss (our former band before Ricocher) was born. Later only Kimmo is exchanged by Bart.
After finishing my final exam (including music) succesfully and a classicalcourse as a drummer at the drumband, I was ready to follow
an instructorcourse myself. When I became a drumming-instructor I gave private lessons at the people of the drumband in Bakel, I was the instructor of the drumband in Boxtel, played in Ricocher, I was a member of the drumband in Bakel etc. 30 hours of music in one week next to my full-time job was not unusual.
When I knew we would become parents of our beautiful son, I stopped with a lot of the musical things I joined. I decided to go on with the band and I joined for the nesesarry relaxing an old local cultural musical club called the Saint Willibrordusgilde as a drummer. The rest of my musical escapades are at least for a few years cancelled.
Up till now it seems that I made with Ricocher the right choice. We did reasonably well and the pleasure we have while making music and the fun we have with eachother is still most important. If it is up to me, we will grow bigger and bigger and we will see what we can reach.