"I went to a NAMM show up in L.A., which is a big music convention, and I saw Jimi Hazel and we started talking. Macky, from Bad Brains, was playing drum [for Spyz] and he was having problems with the parts, he couldn't get them down.Joel Maitoza stayed with the Spyz until 1997. His succesor became Tony Lewis.
And I said, "Well, I'm looking to get back into a band, I'm doing some session work now and I'm getting sick of being cooped up in the studio - I'd like to get back out".
He's all, "Okay, well, if I hear of anything I'll let you know". He called at like one in the morning and goes, "Would you like to be in Spyz?". And I said, "Yeah, definitely, that would be hype. I'd love to go out and audition in New York, but I don't have any money for a plane ticket."
And he goes, "Well, if you'd be into it, we'll send your drums out here on Monday and you'll be here Tuesday morning. We'll FedEx you out a Plane ticket." He's all, "Learn these [seven] songs, learn the first 30 seconds of each song, call me back and play them to me over the phone".
I said, "All right", and I put them on tape. I had a little tape recorder, set it down [in front of the phone] and played the tape. I called Jimi back and played him the stuff and he's all, "You're in, sounds good". So I flew out to New York."
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