"This is the second of three solo percussion discs for BVHaast by percussionist extraordinaire Arnold Marinissen ... A wonderful collection of stimulating solo percussion performances." (Downtownmusicgallery.com about "Layered Rhythms")Arnold Marinissen (The Netherlands) studied percussion at the Royal Conservatorium in The Hague with Wim Vos and Luuk Nagtegaal. In 1991 he graduated with distinction, and received the Prize for the Best Exam of the Year. Since then, he has been active in the fields of solo, chamber and symphonic music, and has worked intensively with African musicians like Doudou and Ali N'Diaye Rose from Senegal and Venancio Mbande from Mozambique .
"Marinissen is a percussionist who can draw a thousand colours from his vibraphone, who can make a piece of scrap glimmer and who can make his drum skins sing. Just to watch him perform is a delight." (Trouw, March 6 2003)
"Marinissen shaped, in a relaxed way, a set of little jewels. Rolling, ticking, pounding, caressing, he created a series of beautiful musical patterns, and showed his virtuosity in the cadenses of the first and last movement. A soloist of class." (PZC, March 3 2002)
"A fascinating performance with Marinissen playing not only very accurately, but also with an enormous imagination. Marinissen did not just perform a bird; he was one." (De Volkskrant, November 23 1998)
"Arnold Marinissen, in his small circle of instruments, showed a breathtaking sample of an absolute perfect timing and control of motions." (Trouw, June 21 1990)
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