Ad de Jong has teached at the Rotterdam conservatoire for many years.
He played in Big bands with John Feddis, John Clayton “the Glenn Miller Revival”, Trio Invention, Gijs Hendriks Quintet, Nancy Works On Payday, Rick DeVito, The Zoo, Motown Revue, All The Kings Men, Foam Head, The Phones, Van Onderen, and Het Goeie Doel, among others.
Ad was touring in the Dutch theatres with the Pop musical “Jeans “ in 1999-2000, and 2001-2002 the soul show “Respect”. He also played the "West Side Story" with Metropole Orchestra. In 2004 De Jong was featured as guest musician in LX-Press's debut album "Abducted".
After being principal of the pop department at the Rotterdam conservatoire, Ad de Jong decided to start a new study called 'Pop and Sounddesign' in 2006.