Independence, you say? Yeah that's right. This lesson is about to take Linear's lunch money. A 180 Challenge taught by Marcus Finnie that's all about finding your center on the kit, and letting it know, "I own you!". It's all yours!
Concepts: Linear Hard difficult independence independent pattern right left kick drum bass drum speed control fun exercise exercises bassdrum gospel chops chop paradiddle idea creative master unique funk jazz rock
View the PDF above for all the exercises in this lesson in the above link, for FREE.
? Stix Finnie. One of the most well rounded players we know. From funk to rock, be it latin or jazz Marcus can, and will, play it & play it well. Hes been the go to drummer for Kirk Whalum and is featured on The Gospel According To Jazz IV. Finnie can be found making the perfect Crème brûlée in his spare time.