Demonstration of the revolutionary Wizzdrum by Kim Weemhoff. Recorded at Warning Studios in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) in 2013. For more information and videos check the Wizzdrum channel on YouTube or the Wizzdrum website:!
What is the Wizzdrum?
The Wizzdrum is a new instrument (patent pending), with the following characteristics:
• Acoustic on the same level as vocals and guitar, so the whole band can play acoustic with rhythmic support (whisper)
• Electric amplification opens up a new dimension of playing drums
• Amplification is simple with 2 microphones by compact placing
• By adding sound effects (reverb, delay en others) a new sound arises (compare the revolution in music by the electric guitar)
• Operation of the sound effects with the free feet
• Looping while you play
• The Wizzdrum is suitable for each sound level, so also for (very) large venues
• Wizzdrum has therefore the advantages of a conventional drum set and the advantages of an electronic drum set and therefor more to offer than both alternatives
Other advantages:
• Playing at home without disturbing the neighbors or hearing damage; acoustic or electric with headphone. No special rehearsal room necessary.
• Compact and complete:
- Requires very little space on stage or at home
- Active position in the band (performing standing up)
• New playing techniques:
- Playing the bass drum with both hands
- Great speed because of the compact - short range - drum kit components
• It all fits in one bag of about 50 x 40 x 40 cm (transportable by bike)
• Built up and break down time is very short (around 7 minutes)
• The Wizzdrum can easily be moved (plug and play)
Rehearsals, gigs and travelling will be a lot easier with the Wizzdrum
• Because of its compactness the price level is low compared to conventional drum kits especially considering the included amplification of the standard kit