Juan van Emmerloot released his debut album Burnin' the Rules during the opening of his Drum Academy Beat Supplier. The record features international acclaimed artists...
Juan van Emmerloot released his debut album Burnin' the Rules during the opening of his Drum Academy Beat Supplier. The record features international acclaimed artists like Stef Burns, Snowy White, John "Rabbit" Bundrick and percussionist Martin Verdonk.
Artists performing the tracks live in the videos are:
- Juan van Emmerloot - drums
- Jos Kamps - bass
- Damian Corlazzoli - guitar
1,002 Nights - First part of a free impovisation during Juan van Emmerloot's album release of Burnin' the Rules.
Juan van Emmerloot released his debut album Burnin' the Rules during the opening of his Drum Academy Beat Supplier. The record features international artists like Stef Burns, Snowy White and John "Rabbit" Bundrick and percussionist Martin Verdonk.
- Juan van Emmerloot - drums
- Jos Kamps - bass
- Dami Corlazzoli - guitar