"The channels are all routed. All I have to do is hit record, and the entire room is recording."
Stewart Copeland explains the appeal of the studio as follows:
"I have some buddies come over, and we jam. We jam high, we jam low, we have a wonderful time, we have a lot of laughs, they leave. And then the next morning, I come in and see what I've got. And then I cut up these jams and add overdubs, and I turn these jams into tracks."
When Stewart's road manager Brad Sands brought a camera, one thing led to another and the studio now features six cameras – stationary, locked up, live-angle shots just around the room. Stewart:
"When the doorbell rings, when my buddies arrive, everything goes into 'record' and stays in record until everybody leaves. I cut up these tracks, and it's completely improvised. And since I’m not in the record business, I just put them up on YouTube for all the children to enjoy."
Watch some of Stewart's jams here featuring Taylor Hawkins, Danney Carey and Neil Peart:
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