\"It will be based around an intricately-filmed solo from R30, plus the Grammy-losing “O Baterista!” from Rush in Rio, and will include a wide variety of other “ghosts of solos past.” All that, and me talking about it all. (Maybe that’s a better title, \'Ellwood Explains It All.\')\"
In other news: as of July 1st, 2005, Peart has finished the first draft of a book about the R30 tour in 2004, with the unwieldy title of \"Roadshow: Landscape With Drums, A Concert Tour By Motorcycle.\"
The book is constructed around the 57 shows Rush did on that tour — all across the U.S., a couple in Canada, and 14 in Europe — plus the 20,000 miles of motorcycling Peart did between those shows, but it inevitably stretches out into the world around the artist. Comments Peart:
\"’ll say no more about it yet, but judging by my past books, which have taken about 14 months to complete, I’ve got another six or eight months of work to do yet. The “memory work” was the most urgent thing, as I felt kind of pressured to get the first draft down — didn’t want to forget anything — and now begins the difficult, but pleasurable, process of making it all “nice.”
Both projects are scheduled for release by December 2005 or January 2006.
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