\"She gets into her zone and she\'s like a train, just starts rolling. There was a time Bob came into the room and tried to get her to do something and couldn\'t get her attention. She was in a trance, and it\'s really powerful stuff when you\'re sitting right next to it — Jack or no Jack.\"
White\'s unaccompanied drumming will serve as the theme music for the swaggering character played by Dax Shepard.
Odenkirk and Elliott could perhaps have stayed in Hollywood and gotten a studio drummer to play in the style of Meg White. But Elliott says it would not have been the same. His concept for the soundtrack was not simply to have musicians play in appropriate styles, but to get the actual musicians known for these styles. To that end, Elliott also wrote some pieces evoking the sound of Queens of the Stone Age — and got them to play it!
For other parts of the score, the film makers are assembling studio players to sugest a funk/R&B mood in the veins of the \"blaxploitation\" films of the \'70s. Among the musicians will be drummer James Gadson - a veteran of many pop and film recordings starting in the \'60s. You think it seems a lot to go through for a small, independent production? It\'s key to the presentation, Odenkirk says.
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