\"My first band, we wanted to be like Foreigner and Journey. Then I was signed to Atlantic by Foreigner\'s current manager when I was 16 years old. Actually, the Foreigner connection goes even deeper. My wedding song 15 years ago was \'Waiting for a Girl Like You\'. \"
Jason Bonham\'s wedding marked one of the extremely rare Led Zeppelin reunions that have occurred since the untimely death in 1980 of John Bonham.
An additional highlight of his performance with Foreigner are some Led Zeppelin covers including some drum solos. The move was suggested by Foreigner bandleader Mick Jones. Bonham hesitated at first, but Jones insisted. The drummer recalls:
\"Mick said he was looking for an excuse to do some Zeppelin anyway so it was like, all right, let\'s have fun and do it.\"
On occasion, the Bonham style is too much for the demands of Foreigner. Bonham laughes, explaining that Jones had to tell him to \"calm down\" during one song. Bonham was told by Mick Jones:
\"I really need to concentrate and I can\'t with you playing the bloody drum constantly.\"
Read the entire article here.
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