\"It\'s now almost three and a half years after we recorded the drums for the Winds album that just came out, so it was great to finally again play on some of Andy\'s new music. I have been looking forward to completing drums for this project for quite some time now, since we actually started talking about the idea for this more like five or six years ago. I also know very little has been said to anyone by Andy so far about this project, but I have known about it, and the plans, for a long time. All I can say is that this won\'t be a Winds or Age Of Silence release, but it will never the less be quite spectacular. This is the eighth record Andy and I have done together so far, and I\'m looking forward a lot to see it all completed some time in the future. This is also probably the most different kind of drums I have ever recorded. But I am extremely pleased with the results.\"
Hellhammer, who has performed with Mayhem, Winds, Arcturus, Dimmu Borgir and The Kovenant, recently added another band to his long resume. The drummer was recruited by Gorgoroth frontman Gaahl and bassist King ov Hell to join them on battery beginning in 2008.
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