"The Gretsch USA Custom is one of the world's most coveted drum sets. We realized that the drum makers in our American factory could use their skills and experience to build a premium-quality, incredible sounding drum set for a broad range of drummers."
With that, the Brooklyn Series was introduced in January 2012 and has become an ideal complement to the USA Custom, with a more open sound, a new "302” double flanged hoop and a very attractive price point.
The ad also features the newly re-introduced USA Custom Round Badge. Starting in January 2013, all Gretsch USA Custom drum sets will wear a vintage-style round vent-hole badge similar to the one that was made famous by Gretsch between 1930 and 1970.
John Palmer, Director of Product for Gretsch Drums, explains:
"The reintroduction of the Round Badge to Gretsch's USA-made product is a welcomed return to a classic and very emblematic Gretsch Drum design. As we approach the company's 130th anniversary, we are very proud to combine key elements of our rich heritage with our continuing advancements in drum making."
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