Female division
The girls also threw down hard to set three new WFD World Records. At barely 14 years old, Caitlin ‘Lead Foot’ Kalafus set two new WFD World records. Kalafus became the youngest person to ever hold a WFD World Record when she beat out a blistering 799 singles on the bass drum and taking the WFD World Record ‘Battle of the Feet’ (female division).
Not to be out done, Miss WFD and Mystery Hangup drummer, Lux, showed some serious speed when she took the WFD World Record for the ‘Battle of the Hands’ (female division) with a exhilarating 901 singles in 60 seconds.
Commented Boo McAfee, co-founder of Extreme Sport Drumming:
\"The way these drummers go at it full throttle, yet smooth as silk, with their hands and feet moving over 19-20 times per second for an entire minute, is simply an amazing work of technical proficiency.\"
Demonstrations and tips
WFD Champions Mike Mangini, Tim Yeung, and Matt Smith gave three days of demonstrations plus tips on building your technique and preparing for WFD while doing interviews and signing autographs for the ever appreciative WFD grassroots fan base.
The NAMM International Fastest Drummer Contest is sponsored by TheMusicEdge.com, NAMM\'s new teen promotional initiative. Over $ 12,000 in grand prizes awarded to the winners included two Pearl drum sets, two sets of Meinl cymbals, fifty Remo heads, a year’s supply of Pro-Mark sticks (with the winner’s name), Axis double pedal, and much more.
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