Yes, but this is the first performance of the alternative DnB drum-remix version. The official single is 128bpm, but we play the live version that you see here at 190bpm. It gives it a totally different vibe. Everything you see happening live is triggered by me. Like Bercow's live images and the texts that appear on the screen.
After the release it was pretty calm. But when an EU correspondent of The Telegraph tweeted about Order, it suddenly hit, starting it off in the UK.
So many already! As we speak, I have Reuters filming me here in my studio in Antwerp. Reuters is one of the leading press agencies in the world, providing content to all the major news networks around the globe, from New-Zealand to Siberia and back.
I know this all started in Belgium. Then Order got picked up in the UK and within the hour it was already in the news in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, even on Prime-Time news!
Italy followed and NPR in America featured it on a two-hour radio show as well.
98,7% absolute likes and smileys. And 1,3% ranters and thumbs down.
I got this comment from a Brexiteer: "Gosh, this Euro Electro trash, I'm glad we're leaving the EU." How funny is that?
Feedback like that actually is one of the reasons I also launch a video with every track I publish. Producing a video is a lot of work, but as a musician it is the best way to reach a broader audience than only your fellow musicians through streams. While listening to it is ok of course, I think people need and want to see the artists intended images with the music.
Besides that, getting airplay is though. Now the video is successful, the song is getting more and more airtime. It did not go the other way.
Most of the response is inspiring. Better yet, it gives me goosebumps. It is in line with my intention of the song and the video: to put a smile on everyone's face. Some people even suggested it should be the 2019 Christmas song... I sign for that! No more Christmas with Wham this year!
I was hoping it would be picked up. I timed the release on the Brexit date and Bercow's leaving as speaker of the house. For sure, the coverage on it, and on this scale, is what you can only dream of.
When in June 2016 The UK voted for leaving the EU, I felt very strong for my British drum colleagues. At that time, I was touring with Netsky in the UK and immediately felt this was going to be a long ride.
Nobody knew what the vote really meant. When following the debates in the house, I noticed the eloquence of Speaker John Bercow. In almost four years in this Brexit saga, he lived through three Prime Ministers, and as I see it, outdone them as well.
I have always been a fan of the Muppets and the political satire Spitting Image. The latter is where I connected the dots for the video of Order. The idea of working with puppets in this video fit right into the concept of the song and my ambition to produce a video with every single-release on my Fatkick label.
However, the version I did with KJ at The UK Drum Show, and on any other event that I will perform it, is a completely different concept. And without the dolls that were exclusively made for the official video.
As with all my live triggered mashups, the drum version started with a drumbeat. Then I wrote the music for it.
That is the opposite of how I worked on the single release: the music came first, and then I started experimenting with Bercow's voice.
No, none at all. Maybe the fact that music always helps with putting things in perspective.
In music, everyone can do as she or he pleases. With Order I am not making a political statement, I just put a sound focus on a strong figure in the Brexit story.
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