Good news for tutors and students: Rockschool, the UK-based accredited provider of rock and pop exams worldwide, has made its 2012–2018 syllabus available to download now piece by piece from, so you only pay for what you need.
Rockschool prides itself on offering students and teachers a choice of materials to use in exams. Now they are offering teachers and students even more choice by making all exam pieces and sections of their grade books available to download individually online.
To view the material, search for 'Rockschool digital' at and browse by grade or instrument using the navigation bar on the left of the page.
Those already familiar with the syllabus can search for specific pieces by simply typing the song title and 'Rockschool' into Musicroom's search box e.g. 'Bonecrusher Rockschool'. Particular sections of a grade book can also be searched for e.g. 'Rockschool Digital Drums Grade 1 Ear Tests' or 'Rockschool Grade 5 Drums: Sight Reading'
Each exam piece, which includes a pdf file containing the tab as well as audio, comprising a full mix and a backing track, can be downloaded for £2.99.
The grade book sections, including technical exercises, ear tests, sight reading, improvisation & interpretation and quick study pieces, vary in price from £1.99 to £2.50. They also include pdfs and backing tracks where appropriate.