\"Our trailer with all of our equipment has been stolen and we\'re asking for donations for anyone that can spare it. The estimated loss in dollar value is around $25,000 to $30,000. Any donations, of any amount, will be greatly appreciated, and all donors will recieve a signed poster from the band for all donations over $10.\"
The band is scheduled to begin a European tour with Hatebreed on December 2 in support of their debut album, \"Paradigm in Entropy\", on Nuclear Blast Records, and is asking for any information or help in leading to the recovery of their stolen equipment.
The stolen equipment includes drummer Austin D\'Amond\'s Tama Rockstar drum kit with cases, hardware, and various cymbals, two sets of Tama Iron Cobras, 200 CDs, two large boxes of merchandise (shirts, hats etc) and one 10 by 10 feet tall banner.
Last August vandals stole $15,000 worth of high-end amps and other gear from American Head Charge\'s trailer, which was parked outside of their rehearsal space in Minneapolis.
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