All of the winners got a life long subscription to Dutch drum magazine Slagwerkkrant, and a dozen of Vic Firth Sticks. Joris Ramm, who ended 3rd got a SPD-S sampling pad of Roland, Duncan Carter, as second winner, received the Roland TD-9KX from Roland Europe, and Jury winning contestant Rick van Wort got to take home the most wanted of electronic drums: the Roland TD-20K.
The jury of the contest were: Christophe Cools (Roland), Dennis Boxem (Slagwerkkrant) Igor Hobus (De Heideroosjes), Stephen van Haestregt (Within Temptation), Cesar Zuiderwijk (Golden Earring) and Roland drummer Michael Schack.
Some quotes of the finalists
Rick van Wort
\"There was a lot of tension among the finalists, but there were good vibes and respect between the five of us. I am used to playing on stage, it feels like home, and I really feel good and Funky performing for people. It really didn\'t matter who would win the contest. But being voted nr. 1 was really something! On the other hand, to be the \"Best V-drummer of Holland\", sounds a little strange. But the jury was really professional, and the TD-20K is a beautiful drum set!\"
Duncan Carter (2nd place)
\"It was an honor being a finalist in the Roland V-Drums Contest. The competition was very high, and that makes me even happier with my 2nd place.\"
Christopher Verweij
\"For me it was already a surprise to win a semi final. The whole contest was a good way to show the way I play. With that I learned a lot about drum competitions on this level.\"
Maikel Roethof
\"What I found best about the contest, is that all the finalists considered themselves friends. The atmosphere was excellent and everybody respected each other. Fun detail is that I even have a new band now, just because of the contest!
I would like to thank the people of drum magazine Slagwerkkrant, Roland V-drums (especially Michael Schack and Christophe Cools), and Vic Firth for this super cool contest.
Drums For Life!!\"
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