"I am not working anymore mom, I'm going pro."
- Nicko McBrain
- Nicko McBrain only once used a double pedal for a recording. That was on the track Facing the Sand on Iron Maiden’s album 'Dance of Death' released in 2003.
- Nicko recorded two albums with Pat Travers: 'Makin' Magic' (1976) and 'Putting It Straight' (1977).
- Nicko went to Southgate Technical College for four years to become a Mechanical Engineer.
- Nicko's 2nd kit was one by George Hayman drums.
These McBrainiacs are just teasers. In the video below he shares a lot more great nerdy-drummer-things about him!
"I've gotten lazy and I went [sitting] lower during the years.
Posture behind the drums is really important. It is a balance. You have to think about how it is going to affect you in the long run."
- Nicko McBrain
Related Nicko news & videos
Nicko McBrain demos his Paiste Treasures
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More Nicko McBrain on our YouTube/Drummerszone channel
▶ Nicko McBrain introduces his Paiste Treasures cymbals
▶ Nicko McBrain demos his Paiste Treasures cymbals
▶ Nicko McBrain - Interview Blooper at NAMM
▶ Nicko McBrain reveals his new Sonor drums
▶ Nicko McBrain returns to Sonor Drums
▶ Nicko McBrain's Treasures - NAMM Recap
▶ Paiste Nicko McBrain Alpha Boomer cymbals - NAMM 2012
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