\"It hasn`t even been a year since we recorded \"To Walk a Middle Course\", but since Carl and Jeff have joined the band, we`ve been writing constantly and are pretty stoked on what`s come out of the jams. We`re recording this month, so the record should be out in October sometime, right after we get back from Europe. We`re doing a split 7\" with Victims, which will be out this summer on Hyperrealist in the U.S. and Unsociable in Europe.\"
New drummers Carl McGinley and Jeff Porter joined after original Kylesa skinsman Brandon Baltzley (photo) departed in 2005.
The forthcoming studio album will be the follow-up to the band`s 2005 Prosthetic debut, \"To Walk A Middle Course\".
Kylesa are also contributing a song for the Eyehategod tribute album, which is coming out on Emetic Records. The are doing a version of Left to Starve off of their first record. Other bands that will be on the compilation include Brutal Truth, Lair of the Minotaur, Unearthly Trance and a bunch more.
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