"The neurons in Mickey's brain generate rhythmic activity. The brain communicates through different oscillations."
"I've taken brain waves and sonified them, changed their form. And made them into sound. I put them in the computer and play with it. Dance with it. Make music with it.
It all comes down to the fact that we are made up of billions of rhythms, embedded in a Universe that vibrates constantly, 24/7."
Rhythm is a fundamental aspect of the universe at every level, and serves as a critical foundation for life on this planet. As we now understand it, brain function itself is dependent on complex rhythms of activity, which guides interactions between brain regions to generate synchronized neural networks from which our minds emerge. The goal of this collaborative project, Rhythm and the Brain, is to advance our understanding of the role of rhythm in higher-order brain function and also how we can influence brain rhythms through novel interventions (e.g., neuromodulation, rhythm training, video game training, neurofeedback). The ultimate goal is to improve cognition and mood in the healthy and impaired, thus positively impacting the quality of our lives.
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