Disc 1 contains a concert of the drumbassadors (Reneì Creemers and Wim de Vries) which was given for a wildly enthusiastic live audience in the netherlands in 2009. The drumbassadors show their great creativity and virtuosity in the beautiful drum compositions of their own. Supported by a few guest musicians the drumbassadors take you to an absolutely unique peak in the field of drumming.
Disc 2 is an instruction dvd on which Rene ìand Wim explain matters such as grip, strokes, motion, sitting balance, tone, dynamics, coordination, phrasing and melodic playing. Further attention is paid to playing with brushes and hints how to study systematically are given. In addition, Reneì and Wim demonstrate, once again, in a number of solo, duo and band performances, how hugely creative and varied their unique style of playing is.
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artists One for the Money, but Two for the Show [2DVD]