In the early 1960s, 6 year old John Stannard designed and built his first instrument: a banjo made from rubber bands and a wine box. He went on to build guitars with his father, a piano rebuilder and tuner by trade. In 1979 Stannard formed Om percussion, the company that would invent the energy chime, the double row chime tree, the coil chime and the laminated temple block. In 1985 JW Stannard company was formed to make wind chimes tuned to ancient scales.
In 1993 John Stannard began hammering bronze. On the island of Bali he studied forging briefly in the fire pits. The education was more spiritual than intellectual.
In 2006, a lifetime of listening, followed by a long and focused research period paid off. A small studio of cymbalsmiths headed by Stannard, unveiled a new line of hand hammered stick-playable hybrid instruments to a rave response. Cymbals, Bells, FX and Gongs soon followed.
Hammerax® has filed dozens of trademarks, patents, and copyrights on their works and brands. Their bronze alloys are all cast, rolled and hand hammered in a proprietary process. "Investment in a Hammerax brand instrument means the acquisition of an individual work of art, signed by the artist. They are consistently beautiful in sound and look, but they vary ever so slightly to give each one it's own voice. When you buy one, know that there will never be another exactly like it." says Stannard. "Our mission is to shake up ears with the true innovation."