"I look up to a lot of older drummers. Everybody goes through periods where they try to emulate other drummers. I first started out by getting into a lot of older drummers like Buddy Rich, Gene Krupa, Joe Jones and other jazz drummers alike. Of course, I went into my Rock 'n Roll phases - particularly 60's Rock 'n Roll - like Keith Moon, John Bonham, Mitch Mitchell, who is probably one of my favorite drummers from that era, but besides drawing my influence just from drummers, I like to draw influences from just listening to music. Anywhere from early black music like Stax era bands, Motown bands all the way to jazz and Rock 'n Roll... on to contemporary or current bands."Trivia fact: Drummer Ronnie Vannucci was knocked off his drum stool by an earthquake while recording the song "Believe Me Natalie."
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