"Because of lack of time due to things like school I have been learning a lot of things by myself, double bass for example, knowing I wanted some drum lessons again as soon as I found the time. Playing in a lot of different (metal) bands and projects in the meantime. Learned to play tight and with power in those years. Later on I discovered death metal, and still like to play that extreme music."Currently he plays the drums in Enraged (since 1997) and Mortuary I.O.D. (since 1999). "I.O.D." stands for "Image Of Death, referring to an antique song. Talma also plays in a band called Enraged. Previously he played in Decay (1990 – 1993), Asfive (1993 – 1996), Pilgrim (1999), Absylon Piinus (1999 – 2002) and Raarrrr... (2002).
"At this point I’m mainly focusing on my both bands Enraged and Mortuary I.O.D. I also started a (still nameless-) new metal project last year with some guys of Room no. 13; really different than everything I did before. But we practice just on an occasional base. Expect more groove but also some really fast grind parts!"Looking back at 2003 Douwe mentions he has learned playing and rehearsing with a metronome. Comments the drummer:
"And I discovered the true groove thanks to drummers like Thomas Haake. Concerning the future, I want to play a lot live and improve my drumming. In technique, durability, tightness, groove, control, innovation and speed."
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