"I realized the power of music as a release and decided to throw myself into the local music scene. I started playing in many cover bands but I saw that writing original music as a uniquely creative way to make a living. It was definitely the best experience in learning what to do and what not to do and I still keep in close contact with my former bandmates."After deciding to move to Chicago in the spring of 1989, Ken was introduced to Wayne Static (vocals, guitar) by a mutual friend. Ken auditioned for Wayne's band at the time, and a friendship soon evolved. The pair didn't exactly share the same musical tastes, but saw the potential of utilizing each other's influences in creating new and unique music. The Chicago music scene was greatly stifled by a lack of industry presence, so the duo relocated to Los Angeles in the winter of 1994. It was all they needed to realize their dreams.
"gODHEAD have now officially joined forces with former Static-X drummer Ken Jay following the recent departure of their original drummer Tom Z a few weeks back."Nick Oshiro replaced Ken Jay in Static-X.
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