Michel Mordant practiced the instruments of percussion at the Academy of music in Maastricht (The Netherlands). He finished his study in 1991.
His teachers were Ruud Wiener (mallets), Hay Beurskens (snare-drum), Pieter Jansen (snare-drum and mallets), Werner Otten (timpani) and Chris Dekker (drumset).
For expanding his percussionabilities he followed lessons and master classes by Ruud Wiener (mallet improvisation) (Switzerland) and Jim Chapin (snaredrum).
He has been playing as a free-lance percussionist in well known orchestra's in his country and abroad.
Limburgs Symfonie Orkest (The Netherlands)Johann Strauß Orkest (The Netherlands), Städtisches Orchester Eschweiler (Germany) and more.
At present he is also teaching percussion at the schools of music Kreato in Thorn (The Netherlands), Jugendmusikschule and the Gesamtschule Eschweiler (Germany).
Michel Mordant composed many pieces for percussion music.
The author is also a member of the jury at band contests and examinations.
The church bells of Vijlen
Michel is Director:
Percussionensemble DrumXperience Schinveld (The Netherlands).