"I couldn't sit still, I always drummed on my knees, on the tables. At school they had a really hard time with me because of that, so every teacher was really mad at me. I still cannot (laughs). At work they still are "Janne, stop that fucking shit"."Lindh plays on two bass drums of 24, a 13 and a 14" rack tom and a 16/18" toms and a 14" snare. He is an autodidact and only took drum lessons once. In the same interview Jan reveils:
"I tried once with a guy here in Stockholm, but when you do lessons, you have to start at the beginning, first just the drumming on the snare drum and I thought "shit, that's gonna be boring" and the fee was very high, too. So I did that once. (...) I'm pretty lazy about practicing and everything. I don't think I need to do it, because Doom Metal is really slow, so..."Jan Lindh has a remarkable way of laying back on the beat, to make it sound thicker and fuller. He is not trying to be exactly on the beat, just a little, little bit faster, more hanging in the music, more grooving. That's why it sounds very heavy: "I don't just smash the snare just in the exact time, I try to delay the drumming a bit."
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