Guillaume de Mont is probably best known as Copycat, one half of beatbox duo Beatoxic. Copycat? Like a drum machine, where you press the right buttons to hear the right beats, that’s how he sees himself as a beatboxer. And of course he covers songs too! On top of that he’s a real cat lover. So how did he come up with the name? Copycat was dwelling through his mind for some time. When he participated in his first battle he had to make a final decision, and the rest is history. Copycat sounded the best of all the stuff spinning through his head at that moment (and that’s a lot), and eventually it caught on. Which probably is the best guarantee!
Specialty within Beatoxic? The basslines and the melodies in the Beatoxic-songs mostly come from Copycat. Copycat may be called the Melody Man of Beatoxic. Of course everything is done together, who does what varies all the time!
The Beginning? Blame Beathoven! The former Belgian champion made Copycat passionate about the art, then Copycat set Roxor Looping. On the train, on the way to the groceries, in the classroom until kicked out by desperate teachers, the world became his rehearsal room. Which got him some well-deserved attention, scared as well as fascinated gazes. Roxorloops and Copycat started practically together, with a week difference. There beatbox twins, with Copycat as the eldest. The first tricks Roxor learned came from the melody man of Beatoxic.
Copycat often comes up with the juiciest anecdotes, and afterwards you never know if he just made it up or not. But hey, who cares when the stories are that good! On stage too, Copycat sometimes behaves a tad unpredictable. Which results as well in panic as in strokes of genius.