"After leaving Tull a few hundred years ago, I played for a while with Robin Trower, Frankie Miller and Jim Dewar in band called "Jude", signed to the Chrysalis label.
At the same time, I was starting some other activities in areas outside music. I had become a married man, and didn't really expect to stay in music as a full-time job. I moved to a farm outside Luton and started a business in dog boarding kennels and also invested in a engineering firm in the area, together with a few other things, just in case!
I was still asked to do the odd musical thing and, in no particular order, they included, over the next few years: working with Gordon Giltrap, Steve Hillage, Uli Roth, Manfred Mann and, of course, dealing with the ever-present invitations from Mick Abrahams to become involved with one project or another.
Since sadly splitting up with my wife, I have been working on a newly released solo album for the "New Day" record label and taking it easy while the offers come pouring in.
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