"When Ash was a young boy and used to skip dinner to run downstairs and play his drum set along to Donna Summer albums, it was safe to assume he would grow up to be a drummer. He has two loves: playing drums and drumming (although, he is a cohort with Dave in the search for the perfect chocolate milkshake and rumor has it they have some chocolate shakin' of their own!).During high school, Ashwin Sood was in a band called Banood. This band was comprised of eight members, with Ash playing drums. For music school, Ash Sood attended California's Musicians Institute.
Ash is a very meticulous person and strives for perfection, especially rhythmically. He is a graduate from the Percussion Institute of Technology and has been playing steadily ever since. He first met Sarah while on tour with Lava Hay. He now moves between touring with Sarah and playing with Mae Moore (live and on record). He is a busy man. We don't know if P.I.T. prepared him to play exclusively with women but Donna Summer must have."
"I met Sarah through Lava Hay because they were managed by Sarah's manager, Terry McBride. At that time Sarah was finishing up recording Solace. She asked me to play on a couple of tracks and then asked me to join the band. We then started with the Solace tour."Ashwin Sood has also played drums on 1994's 'Fumbling Towards Ecstasy', 1997's 'Surfacing' and 1999's live album 'Mirrorball'.
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