Alex Bent was born January 31, 1993 in Oakland, California. His father a singer and musician along with most of his family surrounded him with music from the time he was born. It seemed only natural for him to choose an instrument to play. At the age of eleven Alex Bent asked his dad to put together his old drum set. From that moment on Alex knew that playing drums was not just a hobby, but a passion.
After 13 months of being self taught Alex Bent competed in the Guitar Center Drum off in Modesto Ca. He won the first round. Alex has done some recordings and played with different bands in all genres.
He played in the Marching Band, Concert Band and Jazz Band during his freshman year, followed by the Modesto Junior College Jazz Band.
Alex Bent hopes to go to Berklee School of Music in Boston when he graduates.
Alex Bentʼs influences are: Papa Jo Jones, Grant Collins, Dave Weckl, Buddy Rich, Horacio El Negro Hernandez, and Derek Roddy
Alex Bent currently drums in Scourge, Through This Defiance, plus Hatriot - the thrash band also featuring former Exodus vocalist Steve "Zetro" Souza.