Yoda, renowned Jedi master and character in the Star Wars universe, made his first on-screen appearance in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Yoda also appears in the Star Wars expanded universe of novels and comic books.
Yoda is featured as a drummer and band leader of Yoda & The Boogie Wookiees in Lego Star Wars: Bombad Bounty, a mini-movie based on the Original Trilogy of the Star Wars Theme and directed by Peder Pedersen that premiered online for the first time on November 4th, 2010.
Factoid one: Star Wars series creator George Lucas originally wished Yoda to have a full name: Minch Yoda. Instead George opted to have many details of the character's life history remain unknown.
Factoid two: Lego's Yoda minifigure was the first of their figures to have a shorter height, created by giving the toy shorter legs.