Casey Cooper - 7 Drumming Habits You Need To Break (FULL DRUM LESSON)
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The last time Casey Cooper (COOP3RDRUMM3R) came to Drumeo, he taught us how to learn songs quickly and efficiently. This time around, Casey will be exploring different drumming habits and how you can break them!
Many of us don't even know if we have poor habits holding back our progression. This could be poor technique, not using a metronome, and learning new concepts incorrectly. In this lesson, Casey will highlight and provide remedies for some of the most popular drumming habits he feels people have. We also share a few of our own bad habits!
Remember to leave a comment letting us know what your drumming habits are! We'll pick two winners at random to receive a Drumeo "swag bag" which includes an annual membership to Drumeo Edge, a Drumeo t-shirt, and a pair of our custom Drumeo Vic Firth sticks.
00:14 - "Two Thousand 15" Drumeo Edge Play-Along
03:21 - Introduction
07:04 - 7 Drumming Habits You Need To Break
33:13 - "Drumadiddley" Drumeo Edge Play-Along
38:12 - Q & A
57:16 - "Metal Life" Drumeo Edge Play-Along