Travis Orbin - The Gabriel Construct Session: My Alien Father
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My Alien Father". This is the tune that I alluded to in the "Fear of Humanity" video description; it was tracked entirely with the dual floor tom setup. In Gabe's demo, the tom-toms and snare sounded quite big and ballsy, and I wanted to retain those textures/tones. The only discrepancy between the two setups are the 14" MDM hats instead of 15" MDMs.
Because of the lengthy intro sans drums, I had some fun with the cover art and included more informal footage of me just before I sank into the song.
And as always, there's a bunch of complementation present:
2:11 - triplet on hats, piano
2:20 - 2:22 - hats orchestration, vocal melody
3:41 - 3:44 - crashes/china, vocal melody
3:57 - 3:59 - crashes/china/tom-toms, synth melody
4:09 - 4:11 - accented tom-tom quintuplet melody, synth melody
4:19 - 4:20 - double kick flams complement nothing; sometimes you just gotta play some double kick flams