Interviews with Bruce Becker. Bruce Beckers story begins in 1977, where he began his drumming studies under the instruction of the legendary Freddie Gruber who...
Interviews with Bruce Becker. Bruce Beckers story begins in 1977, where he began his drumming studies under the instruction of the legendary Freddie Gruber who has often been referred to as the zen master of teaching.
Bruce Becker?s story begins in 1977, where he began his drumming studies under the instruction of the legendary Freddie Gruber -- who has often been referred to as the ?zen master? of teaching.
Freddie had a rare insight that was spurred on by his close 40 year friendship with Buddy Rich, and many of the best drummers in the world turned to him to perfect their individual techniques and styles -- including Neil Peart, Steve Smith, and Dave Weckl.
Bruce has since gone on to build his own thoughts and concepts based on all that Freddie had shared with him -- offering the most comprehensive insights into the teachings of Freddie Gruber and applying these lessons to his own all-star cast of drum students including Daniel Glass, David Garibaldi, and Mark Schulman.
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