Bruce Becker: The Truth About Hand Technique - Drum Lesson (Drumeo)
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0:06 - "Free Bond" by David Becker Tribune
5:55 - Introduction
11:40 - The Truth About Hand Technique
45:55 - "Blues for Albie" by David Becker Tribune
51:00 - Q and A!
1:02:23 - Drum Solo
The focus of this video is to encompass the fundamentals of good hand technique, regardless of the grip you use. Bruce explains how since the drums are a multi-surface instrument, being able to adapt and change grips to get the most mileage from each instrument is crucial. Whether you use a French, German, or American stick grip - this lesson is for you.
Bruce spent a long period of time from 1977 to 1984 studying with Freddie Gruber, which has influenced the past three decades of his overall drum education approach and teaching methods. His reputation has caused a vast amount of drummers to seek his teachings such as David Garibaldi, Mark Schulman, Daniel Glass, Glen Sobel, and many more.