\"The intern position was an excellent opportunity for me to gain experience and exposure to the music business. It’s great to be able to see how things happen in the real world and work with people who are passionate about the same things as I am.\"
Internship programs in the music industry have long proven to be successful and beneficial for many participants. At Tycoon, interns are challenged on a daily basis with tasks and projects that have a real impact on both the individual and the company.
Tycoon Percussion attributes the success of its program to its entrepreneurial culture, which encourages ideas to be shared between all members of the team; from interns to top management.
Tony Lapsansky, Tycoon’s first intern, joined the company full-time after graduating from Western Illinois University in January 2010. Tony comments:
\"The Tycoon internship program was great. Being able to have that kind of hands-on experience is priceless. It definitely helped me sharpen my skills, refine my goals and kick-start my career.\"
Tycoon is currently accepting applications for future intern positions, which are open to upper-level undergrads and post-graduate students. Interested applicants are invited to send their resumes along with a letter listing their background, qualifications and career goals to internship@tycoonpercussion.com.
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